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Wandering Talks

Wandering Talks is a public series that invites a pair of Asian diasporic dance artists to be in conversation as they lead a group of people through a neighbourhood of personal significance—for example, where they live or work.


Talking while wandering is a rich mode for the public to learn more about an artist and connect a place to the artist’s creative process. Our identities both influence and are influenced by the places we inhabit. Each wandering talk will “emplace” each programmed artist: They will weave place, life, and art together as they explore topics of interest to them, focusing on their relationship to the land and the communities that gather there. Conversing with another artist adds dialogue and sociality while reflecting that we are formed and re-formed through our encounters with others.

Wandering Talks with Bee Pallomina and Annie Katsura Rollins

November 24th, 1-2 pm


Bee Pallomina

Bee Pallomina, one of CanAsian Dance's Curatorial Committee Memebers is a dance artist who has worked with many choreographers and dance companies including Dancemakers and Dancetheatre David Earle. Long-term collaborative relationships include performance and creation with Amanda Acorn, Public Recordings, musician Germaine Liu and the Magandang Gana collective.



Annie Katsura Rollins

Annie Katsura Rollins is a researcher, community arts worker, theatre artist, and educator, with an artistic practice based in traditional Chinese shadow puppetry. She began an ongoing apprenticeship with traditional shadow puppeteers in China in 2008 and was awarded a Fulbright Fellowship in 2011 to continue the work. Annie completed a Phd in 2019 at Concordia’s University's Centre for Interdisciplinary Studiesin the Humanities and was named the Fine Arts valedictorian for her PhD dissertation on the precarity of safeguarding traditional puppet forms. She has created or collaborated on over 20 original puppetry works, which often incorporate movement and dance. Annie teaches at the University of Connecticut and Centennial College in Toronto and harnesses the transformational power of community arts to build community as the program manager at MABELLEarts in Toronto.

Portfolio at Chinese shadow puppetry information at  





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